Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home. Just did back-to-back vacations and was gone for three and a half weeks, save one night in between! As much as I enjoyed it (and I do love to travel) I am very grateful to be back at home. There's something about sleeping in your own bed, with your own pillow, drinking your own freshly made coffee, that can't be beat. While I loved the 5-course meals on the cruise and the fried chicken and okra on our road trip, my body has not so much and I am looking forward to eating healthier, exercising regularly (although I walked a lot, exercise was sporadic) and, in general, getting back into a routine. With school right around the corner, that will be easier to do. Sometimes it takes a trip away to help us to appreciate the simple things in life- like soaking in a bubble bath in my own bathtub (I'm always scared of the germs that lie in wait in hotel room tubs) and sipping a glass of wine in my own backyard (while ruminating about all the work we need to do around the house). As I said in the beginning, Home Sweet Home.

"Sweet Home Alabama, Where the skies are so blue. Sweet Home Alababam. Lord, I'm comin' home to you." Lynyrd Skynyrd

"He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." Goethe

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