Friday, August 19, 2011

Upsides to the Down Economy/ The Big Scary Boogy Monster is Back Again

Just when you thought it was safe to venture into the relatively calm financial waters, along comes Jaws (in the form of a Congress unwilling to compromise, the S & P getting downgraded, and stocks taking a plunge before going up and down and up and down) to scare the crap out of us again. Are we headed for another recession? Depression? Deflation? Who knows? In this very fragile and slow recovery our country is in, any ripples of uncertainty feel like a tsunami. On the bright side, a recent article indicated CEO's of big companies are buying up stocks in their own companies, while "mom and pops" tend to panic and sell off when bad news strikes. The gist of the article was that 'mom and pop" always get it wrong. So, tempting as it is to panic, I think we should sit tight and ride out this major bump on the road to recovery. No one knows what the future holds, but getting depressed and stressed out helps nothing. And to think I was going to change the name of my blog... not yet anyway. Hopefully, happy days will be here again soon.

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