Thursday, October 7, 2010

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Time in a Bottle

Last week I got an ominous phone call from my Dr's office saying my blood test showed an "abnormal" result. I spent the weekend worrying about it until I could get in to the doctor. It turns out, my cholesterol is high, which is actually normal for me, but it got me thinking about life in those few days I pondered my mortality. I recently read an article asking the reader to consider what they would do if they had #1 24 hours left in life #2 1 year and #3 10 years. So, as I went for a walk and tried to put the worry out of my mind, I contemplated my answers. If I only had a day, I would want to spend it surrounded my my family saying goodbye. If I had a year, the thought that came to me was: take more walks. Also, travel more. At ten years, the first thought was: Do more with my writing and then, learn Spanish (a constant goal I have yet to fulfill) and travel. It seems our bucket list shortens to the essentials, the less time we have. Since I am 50, I probably (hopefully) have at least twenty more good years left. In that time, besides the aforementioned goals I would like to: Have more fun, laugh more, love more. The question is why aren't I living those goals right now? Why indeed?

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