Sunday, March 18, 2012

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Begin It!


Most of us tend to make resolutions for the new year, many times forgotten by the time the Groundhog pokes his head out at the beginning of February. I am thinking about goals because my son Brad sent me his list of immediate goals. He also made a five year plan and actually set goals all the way till he turns 60 (he's 32). I was thinking this was a good idea and thinking about my own goals- that I should write them down and start pursuing them. Then, the next day my daughter A.J. told me that she recently thought about her goals and wrote them down. She said a Harvard study on students that wrote down their goals while in college were 80% more likely to accomplish them, than those who didn't. Writing down goals makes them concrete and looking at them every day reminds us of where we are aiming and what we need to do to get there. So many times, days go by and we have accomplished little putting-out-fires things, but nothing towards our goals. I read somewhere that you should do something every day to bring you closer to your goals. It could be something small, like reading an article about a career you are pursuing or choosing a piece of fruit over a cookie. We all know how time flies by and here it is March already (actually the middle of March), so I think this is a good time to assess or re-assess your goals, write them down and commit to making them happen. This way, when 2012 is over, you will feel satisfied that you have either achieved or at least, come closer to achieving your goals. As for me I want to make a film with my Flip camera, write a spec script for The Middle, learn Spanish and convert my pool to saltwater.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Johann von Goethe

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