Monday, April 12, 2010

Upsides to the Down Economy/Plant a Garden

This was actually the first idea I had when I started this blog in September and I am only now getting around to it. Plant a garden! Everyone's doing it, even the White House. I have almost always had some kind of garden no matter where I lived, from a big one in my house in Mangowood, to an herb garden in Tallahassee, to the vegetable and herb garden I have now. The first time I started a garden was when my oldest son ran away from home. He was 15 at the time, and I felt completely at a loss, but planting tiny seeds in soil that would eventually spring up, gave me some sense of control and hope for the future. Over the years, I learned what worked well (cherry tomatoes and herbs) and what failed miserably (corn and watermelon) and consider my gardens an experiment of sorts, full of learning experiences. Nowadays, I pick herbs I will use on a regular basis (parsley, basil, cilantro) and vegetables I like (green peppers, eggplant and arugula). It is such a good feeling to go out to my garden, snip some chives as a seasoning, pick some tomatoes for my salad and walk back into my kitchen for dinner. Not only is it more convenient, but I know it's healthy and pesticide free. My son, now 30, is doing fine but I still find gardening wonderful therapy for whatever ails me.

"You are closer to God in a Garden, than anywhere else on Earth."

Amen sister!

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