Sunday, April 1, 2012

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Little Flower Novena

Mercury Retrograde has been a doozy this time around. Not only did I order the wrong size shoes and wrong product on the internet, to top it off, the hard drive in my computer died. Mercury Retrograde fouls up all things having to do with communications- phone calls, mail, computer. So, out with the old computer, in with the new- a laptop I am still trying to get the hang of, hence the lack of postings. Along with my biscotti, another tried and true gift I give is saying a special Novena for certain intentions. A novena is a prayer you say for nine days straight. I have tried many, but this one, the Little Flower Novena, seems to work every time. It has rescued people from crisis, gotten jobs, cured illnesses, you name it. I am now saying one for my friend Martha who is recovering from surgery. If you want to say it, you can Google it (I am not going to put the whole prayer here) but it starts: Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of divine love. It ends:O Lord, you have said: Unless you become as little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven; grant us, we beg You, so to follow, in humility and simplicity of heart, the footsteps of the Virgin blessed Therese, that we may attain to an everlasting reward. Amen.

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