Monday, November 7, 2011

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Eat Your Water

We all know we need eight glasses of water a day, right? But a new book, The Water Secret, is purporting that we need to EAT our water. Instead of just guzzling the clear stuff, eating fruits and veggies high in water content is essential for cellular re-building. Foods that are high in water are generally low in calories and energy-dense, filling up your tummy so you can avoid feeling deprived and hungry while dieting. Which foods have the most water in them? You can probably guess by the weight of some of them, when you pick them up, but here they are.


1) Iceberg Lettuce (pretty much no nutrients though, so try Romaine or Spinach instead.)

2) Celery Negative calories to boot. The crunching outweighs the calories= negative calories.

3) Zucchini

4) Radish

5) Tomatoes


1) Strawberries

2) Grapefruit

3) Watermelon They don't call it watermelon for nothing.

4) Cantaloupe

5) Oranges

So, there you have it. Start eating your water and see if you don't feel younger and more hydrated (and skinnier!).

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