Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Moments in Time

Life, when we look back at it, is mostly remembered in moments. When you think about the happiest, saddest, most memorable time of your life it is most likely that you're remembering one specific incident, not a whole day. The birth of a baby, the exchanging of vows, seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time, cracking up at a joke with a friend, getting your first car, job, kiss- these are all moments. While we wake up each morning hoping to have a great day, don't forget about all the moments that occur during it, happy, sad or frustrating, and try to treasure each and every one of them. Maybe, instead of saying "Have a Great Day!", we should say "Have a Great Moment!" Happy Birthday Allison!

"There is no happiness; there are only moments of happiness." Spanish Proverb

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