Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Eat, Drink and Be Merry (While Traveling)

                                                      "Don't leave home without it."
 That was the tag line for an old American Express commercial. Two things I try to NEVER leave home without, especially when traveling, is a water bottle and a healthy snack. When I don't drink enough water, I get cranky, headache-y and lethargic. Come to think of it, these are the same symptoms I get when I get hungry, although not as bad. Humans can live without food for a while, but not without liquid. When traveling, I like to bring an empty water bottlewith me to fill once I pass security, and I love those little Ziploc snack bags that automatically portion controls your snack. I love almonds- but be careful with the amount you eat. While I used to gobble fist fulls, I've now controlled it to about 10 almonds per snack, which is about 70 calories. Sometimes we mistake hunger for thirst. If you drink a large glass of water and are still hungry, eat. Protein (like in nuts) quenches your hunger quicker and lasts longer than carbs. I was trying to find a quote I heard about eating enough to quiet hunger pangs, but not squelch them, but anyway, you get the idea.

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