Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Upsides to the Down Economy/ Get Mad As Hell!

American Airlines announced it will start charging $8 for blankets on most of its flights. This seems to me the latest insult, and perhaps the last straw of tolerance for already-battered airline travelers. Flying, is obviously, not a fun way to travel anymore and this latest slap in the face, is just one more way to screw the flying public. First was the disappearance of complimentary "airline food", an oxymoron in and of itself. I didn't mind that so much, as I'm sure a lot of went to waste and I'd rather have control of what goes into my body than be at the mercy of whatever was served. Then they started to charge to check your luggage. Checking your bag (for free) was something that, as an airline passenger, I always took as unalienable right, right up there with the pursuit of happiness. And now this... Not that it's such a big deal, but if you're freezing your little pittuty off on a flight, a blanket -even one of those nasty thin blue airline blankets- is something that you need to have. I usually take a pashima in my carry-on anyway in case I can't find a blanket, but the point is, I shouldn't have to. Aren't the airlines (and the flight attendants) in the SERVICE industry? Isn't their job on-board to make sure their passengers are as comfortable as possible? So, after being charged to check your luggage, assaulted by airline security, you finally plop your ass down and are starved and frozen to death on board. That's not my idea of pampering. The airlines are having a hard financial time, but I don't think nickle and diming the flying public is the way to get more people to fly. I would rather be charged 3o extra dollars upfront for the ticket, than endure this BS. They are really adding insult to injury. I think the best idea is to start boycotting American Airlines, since they seem to be the leaders in this insanity. Like in Network, we need to get mad as hell and not take it anymore! In the meantime, if you must fly, you might want to take along some items in your carry-on that I do. I call it my Flying Emergency Kit.
Flying Emergency Kit
Earphones (for movie)
Hand Sanitzer
Pain Reliever
Small Hand Lotion
Lip Balm
I would say Happy Flying! but who am I kidding? Boycott American! Until it hits them in their pocketbook, they're going to keep thinking up ways to screw us.

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